Abstract : pAlumina nanoparticles were synthesized using aluminium nitrate and lemon extract, lemon being an eco-friendly and non-toxic material. The synthesis was carried out using salt solution and the above extract in 1:1 ratio, radiated with the microwaves at 600W for 5 minutes. The synthesis was carried with and without the stabilizing agent to know the role played by it. The stabilizing agent used was sodium citrate which is environmental friendly. The amount of stabilizing agent used was varied and the optimum amount for better stability was found out. The nanoparticles thus formed were characterized by using UV Visible (UVVis) Spectroscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering and Zeta Analyzer. The nano particles had an average size of 460nm. This method of synthesis has proven to be faster than any other method because of the involvement of microwave heating. Above all, the synthesized nano particles may have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which have a scope for future study. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd./p