Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 10, Issue 35, p.1-7 (2017)
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2017
Abstract : Objectives: This paper is survey on how the Machine Learning (ML) and Data-Mining (DM) techniques have been employed to automate the cyber detection system and discusses necessary background knowledge on Cyber Security. Findings: After identifying various issues on cyber intrusion detection and security, also various Machine Language and Data Mining approaches that have been employed to resolve this. Analysis: This paper sheds light on complexities, peculiarities and potential of using ML Algorithms for Cyber Security. Application: The machine learning and data mining algorithms and procedures discussed below are applied in cyber security intrusion detection systems in real time scenarios.
Cite this Research Publication : R. D. Shanbhogue and B. M. Beena, “Survey of Data Mining (DM) and Machine Learning (ML) Methods on Cyber Security”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 35, pp. 1-7, 2017.