Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2020
Abstract : - In order to understand the importance of MPPT algorithms, modeling and simulation of a PV system with and without MPPT algorithm using MATLAB/SIMULINK under different irradiance and temperature variations are analyzed in this chapter. The MPPT technique used is Incremental Conductance (INC) algorithm. First of all, the P-V (power-voltage) and I-V (Current-Voltage) characteristics are noticed for different values of solar irradiance while keeping the cell temperature constant. Later on, for different temperature values with constant irradiance levels the characteristics of PV panel has been studied. The effect of temperature and irradiance on power, current, voltage and duty ratio of the PV system with and without INC MPPT algorithm is analyzed for understanding the importance of MPPT techniques in PV systems.
Cite this Research Publication : Deepthi Pilakkat, S. Kanthalakshmi, “Study of the Importance of MPPT Algorithm for Photovoltaic Systems under Abrupt Change in Irradiance and Temperature Conditions”, WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.15, pp.8-20, 2020.