Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 2134 Issue 1, 2019
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2019
Abstract : Circulatory system is an important part of human beings. It consists of numerous networks of blood vessels which are interconnected to different organs in the body. There are several blood vessels associates with human body,Arteries is one among them,due to biochemical reactions there is a chance for abnormal narrowing of arteries which is referred as stenosis. The main aim of the work is to investigate the effect of stenosis at various location in patient specific artery under Newtonian and Non-Newtonian models using image based CFD techinique. The variation of wall shear stress,Velocity and Pressure are accounted at various locations of stenosis under pulsating condition. The effect of wall shear stress is found to be maximum at the throat section of stenosis. The Newtonian and Non-Newtonian model is showing similar trend in outlet velocity,but there is a significant deviation in magnitude of the outlet velocity. Maximum value of wall shear stress is observed in the throat region of stenosis,where maximum velocity is obtained. The significance of patient specific model has been emphasized, throughout the study. This information about blood flow is helpful in development of various diagnosis tools for stenosis.
Cite this Research Publication : Arjun Suresh, Vikas Rajan; Study of non-Newtonian blood flow through arteries using OpenFOAM. AIP Conf. Proc. 6 August 2019; 2134 (1): 040003.