Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier
Source : Darsh Jiten Tolia, R Venkata Krishna
Url :
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2014
Abstract : Metal matrix composites, in particular, Aluminium Hybrid Composites are gaining increasing attention for applications in air and land because of their superior strength to weight ratio, density and high temperature resistance. This paper presents the results of experimental investigation on machinability properties of Silicon Carbide and Boron Carbide reinforced Aluminium 356 hybrid metal matrix composite. The composites were prepared by varying weight fraction of SiC (5%, 10%, 15%) and keeping the Boron Carbide weight fraction (5%) is constant using modified stir casting technique. Four layer coated carbide insert (TiN. Al2O3, TICN, TiN) designated as CNMG 120408 FR was used to machine the fabricated composites. Face centered central composite experimental design coupled with Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used for modeling that the process output characteristics that influence by weight fraction, speed, feed rate, cutting depth. The experimental results imply that surface Roughness criteria are found to increase with increase of feed. At feed, the Surface Roughness deteriorated rapidly. Roughness decreases at higher cutting speed during machining. With the help of Mintab software, RSM showed an accuracy of 95%. Moreover, a good agreement was observed between the experimental and the predicted values of surface roughness and cutting force. Optimal cutting condition which leading to the minimum surface roughness and cutting force were highlighted.
Cite this Research Publication : K Venkatesan, R Ramanujam, J Joel, P Jeyapandiarajan, Vignesh M, Darsh Jiten Tolia, R Venkata Krishna, “Study of Cutting force and Surface Roughness in machining of Al alloy Hybrid Composite and Optimized using Response Surface Methodology”, in Procedia Engineering (Elsevier), Vol. No. 97 (2014) pp. 677-686.