Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : International CET Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing
Source : 2018 International CET Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing, IC4 2018, 2018, pp. 5–10.
Url :
ISBN : 9781538649664
Keywords : Boiler control, Boilers, Classical control, Control strategies, Decoupling, Disturbance effects, Efficiency, Industrial power generation, MultiloopPID, Proportional control systems, Proportional integral and derivatives, Relative gain array, Two term control systems, Water levels
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2018
Abstract : pBoiler control is a very important task in industrial power generation. The safety and economic factors can be well maintained by proper control strategy. Control of a boiler mainly involves retaining boiler parameters such as steam pressure, water level and oxygen level at desired levels with reduced disturbance effects. Interactions within the system is a significant factor for effective boiler control. The control strategy presented in the paper deals with the analysis and reduction of multivariate interactions by keeping the boiler parameters at desired levels. The efficiency of classical control applications in boiler control is one of the main objectives of this study. The effect of Relative Gain Array analysis in interaction scrutiny, reduction of interactions using decoupling approach and effect of multiloop PID's(Proportional Integral and Derivative) is well observed in the study. The efficiency and optimality of the mentioned approaches are well observed and need for an efficient control strategy is illustrated. © 2018 IEEE./p
Cite this Research Publication : Shekhar, S. A., Balaji, R., Jeyanthi, R., “Study of Control Strategies for a Non-Linear Benchmark Boiler”, 2018 International CET Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing, IC4 2018, 2018, pp. 5–10.