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Tailoring of Fe2 (MoO4) 3/FeS nanocomposite to decorate glassy carbon electrode for the electrochemical quantification of homocysteine in human serum

Citation : Murali, Aswathy S., M. G. Gopika, Bhama Sajeevan, and Beena Saraswathyamma. "Tailoring of Fe2 (MoO4) ...

Publisher :Materials Research Bulletin

Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from a bioactive precursor

Citation : Akhil Sivan, "Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from a bioactive precursor", Materials Today: Procee ...

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Organic base catalysed synthesis of benzimidazole

Citation : Akhil Sivan, "Organic base catalysed synthesis of benzimidazole", IOP Conference Series: Materials S ...

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

An easy access to 2, 3-dihydrofuran derivatives by oxidative cyclization reactions

Citation : Akhil Sivan, "An easy access to 2, 3-dihydrofuran derivatives by oxidative cyclization reactions", M ...

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Fluorene-based Schiff bases with potent absorption and emissive characteristics

Citation : Anjana Sreekumar, Aiswarya Manoj, K. Krishna Priyanka, S. Priyanka, P.S. Parvathy, Akil Sivan, 2."Fl ...

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Thiophene-centered small molecule emitters

Citation : Anjana Sreekumar, Ajil Radhakrishnan Nair, Raksha Chandramani, Padmanabhan Sankaranarayana Iyer, Gop ...

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings

Cluster Heat Selection Optimization in WSN Via Genetic Based Evolutionary Algorithm and Secure Data Transmission Using Paillier Homomorphic Cryptosystem

Citation : M Yuvaraja, R Priya, S Uma Maheswari, J Dhanasekar, Cluster Heat Selection Optimization in WSN Via G ...

Impact of gut Microbiota on Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Pathways, Diagnostic Opportunities and Therapeutic Advances

Citation : Kumar, Ayana R., Bhagyalakshmi Nair, Adithya Jayaprakash Kamath, Lekshmi R. Nath, Daniela Calina, an ...

Publisher :Springer

Inhibition of Monoamine Oxidases and Neuroprotective Effects: Chalcones vs. Chromones

Citation : Ipe, R., Oh, J.M., Kumar, S., Ahmad, I., Nath, L.R., Bindra, S., Patel, H., Kolachi, K.Y., Prabhakar ...

Publisher :Springer

The Role of Glypican-3 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Insights into Diagnosis and Therapeutic Potential

Citation : Devan, Aswathy R., Bhagyalakshmi Nair, Govind K. Pradeep, Roshini Alexander, Balachandran S. Vinod, ...

Publisher :Springer

Mast cells and the gut-liver Axis: Implications for liver disease progression and therapy

Citation : Nair, Bhagyalakshmi, Adithya Jayaprakash Kamath, Vinay Tergaonkar, Gautam Sethi, and Lekshmi R. Nath ...

Publisher :Elsevier

Unveiling the role of the Hedgehog signaling pathway in chronic liver disease: Therapeutic insights and strategies

Citation : Nair, Bhagyalakshmi, Adithya Jayaprakash Kamath, Govind Pradeep, Aswathy R. Devan, Gautam Sethi, and ...

Publisher :Elsevier

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