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Studies on chemically crosslinkable carboxy terminated-poly (propylene fumarate-co-ethylene glycol)-acrylamide hydrogel as an injectable biomaterial

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Biomedical materials

Source : Biomedical materials 4 1 (2009): 015002 .

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Biotechnology

Department : biotechnology

Year : 2009

Abstract : Carboxy terminated-poly(propylene fumarate)-co-ethylene glycol) (CT-PPF-co-PEG) was prepared and set into crosslinked hydrogel material with acrylamide. The setting studies reveal that this copolymer system can be used as an injectable material. The hydrogel material exhibits a higher degree of swelling, good mechanical strength and flexibility. The hydrogel favours adhesion of L929 fibroblast cells without proliferation on the surface. However, cardiac fibroblast cells (isolated from new born…

Cite this Research Publication : Kallukalam, Bobby Cherian et al. “Studies on chemically crosslinkable carboxy terminated-poly(propylene fumarate-co-ethylene glycol)-acrylamide hydrogel as an injectable biomaterial.” Biomedical materials 4 1 (2009): 015002 .

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