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Strength and durability study of sulphur concrete with replaced fine aggregate

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Civil

Year : 2018

Abstract : pIncrease in the technologies and concern about the environmental issues in the present world has led to the requirement of a new construction material which does less harm to the environment and also utilizes the available waste material. Sulphur concrete is type of concrete where cement and water is not used instead melted sulphur which act as binding agent is used to bind the fine and coarse aggregate and the filler material like fly ash together to form a hard concrete. There for study on varies properties of sulphur concrete is very much essential to relate it with normal cement concrete. In this paper various mechanical and durability of sulphur concrete is done. Along with determining a sulphur concrete mix, sulphur concrete with different fine aggregate like beach sand, eco sand and manufactured sand replacing river sand in 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% is also studied. Durability of sulphur concrete of each type fine aggregate with best compressive strength is also studied. Water absorption, resistance to different chemical environments and rapid chloride ion penetration test is done to determine the superiority of sulphur concrete over cement concrete. Result shows that sulphur concrete can be used in areas subjected to heavy moisture content, where acid activities are more. Strength wise SC give similar result to normal concrete. Another advantage of sulphur concrete is that any type of fine aggregate can be used as filler in SC since it is a water repellent type concrete. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd./p

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