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Stochastic theory of interfacial enzyme kinetics: A kinetic Monte Carlo study

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Chemical Physics

Source : Chemical Physics, 393, 58, 2012

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Artificial Intelligence

Center : Center for Computational Engineering and Networking

Year : 2012

Abstract : In the spirit of Gillespie’s stochastic approach we have formulated a theory to explore the advancement of the interfacial enzyme kinetics at the single enzyme level which is ultimately utilized to obtain the ensemble average macroscopic feature, lag-burst kinetics. We have provided a theory of the transition from the lag phase to the burst phase kinetics by considering the gradual development of electrostatic interaction among the positively charged enzyme and negatively charged product molecules deposited on the phospholipid surface. It is shown that the different diffusion time scales of the enzyme over the fluid and product regions are responsible for the memory effect in the correlation of successive turnover events of the hopping mode in the single trajectory analysis which again is reflected on the non-Gaussian distribution of turnover times on the macroscopic kinetics in the lag phase unlike the burst phase kinetics.

Cite this Research Publication : Stochastic theory of interfacial enzyme kinetics: A kinetic Monte Carlo study, B. Das, and G. Gangopadhyay, Chemical Physics, 393, 58, 2012

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