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Stochastic And Delay Analysis Of Two Preys And One Predator Ecological System With Competition Among Preys And Self Interaction

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Academic Publications

Source : Dynamic Systems and Applications

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2018

Abstract :

In this research article, a two prey-one predator system with intra specific competition and self-interaction is investigated and its dynamics are mathematically analyzed. The positivity of the solution and boundedness of the system is studied. The occurrence of possible equilibrium points and stability of the system at those points is examined. The necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of positive interior equilibrium point E6(x ∗ , y∗ , z∗ ) is obtained. Also the point E6(x ∗ , y∗ , z∗ ) is investigated for the local and global stability of the system. Stability of the delayed model is investigated and it is observed that stability of the system is dependent on time delay. Time delay drives the system from stable to unstable state. The system and its value is described by environmental stochasticity in the form of Gaussian white noise. Numerical simulation is performed to justify the analytical findings

Cite this Research Publication : K.Anitha, M.N.Srinivas, V.Madhusudanan (2018), Stochastic And Delay Analysis Of Two Preys And One Predator Ecological System With Competition Among Preys And Self Interaction, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol.27(2), pp:201-224

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