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Stay Home and Stay Safe with the Budgeting Tool a One-Stop Finance Tracker

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Springer Singapore

Source : ICT with Intelligent Applications: Proceedings of ICTIS 2021, Volume 1

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Computing

Year : 2022

Abstract : COVID-19 has devastated people's lives across the globe. Declining economy, job losses and market uncertainty have created restlessness in public. These unprecedented times have led to concerns about the future and fear of restricted income. To overcome these strenuous and tough times, individuals and families need to take certain vital steps in order to manage and monitor their budgets judiciously. Though COVID-19 will continue to have its adverse consequences globally, a few smart decisions may help common people maintain healthy and stable finances. So it's essential that we keep a track of the transactions every day. To do so, we’ve proposed a web application with the help of HTML and CSS to make it visually appealing. It is capable of tracking the minute transactions that we make. The main objective of this application is for the user to monitor their expenses. The user can store his income and expenses based on the transaction, date of the income or expense and the category of items. This could be achieved by linking the database (MySql) with the PHP script. We have developed a web based application which is used to manage a users daily expense in a more structured and organized manner. Thus, we can minimize the hand-operated computations which would’ve been involved otherwise and also track expenditure. This application asks the user to provide his income which is further split across various categories in order to calculate his total expenses per day, and these results will be stored for each user separately. We also included a feature to scan and store the images of the bill in the database which could be downloaded at any given point of time. In addition to this, we have integrated a calculator which is an optional feature for the user to do the extra calculations within the website rather than going for an external calculator.

Cite this Research Publication : Radhika, R., Anagha Praveen, G. Gokul Krishna, Adithya Anand, and T. Anjali. "Stay Home and Stay Safe with the Budgeting Tool a One-Stop Finance Tracker." In ICT with Intelligent Applications: Proceedings of ICTIS 2021, Volume 1, pp. 361-372. Springer Singapore, 2022.

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