Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Interntional journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical Sciences
Source : Interntional journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 401-406, 2014
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Pharmacy
Department : Pharmacology
Year : 2014
Abstract : Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the dose dependent effects of atorvastatin on rat kidneys.Methods: The selected doses of atorvastatin were administered orally for 17 days to rats. The statin induced nephrotoxicity was accessed by carrying out renal function tests and is by renal histopathology analysis. Measurements of antioxidant enzymes were also carried out to check whether atorvastatin at the selected dose level interfere with any of the antioxidant system. Atorvastatin at three doses 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg and 20mg/kg was tested.Results: Higher doses of atorvastatin exhibits considerable degree of renal toxicity in rats, while the low doses do not interfere with renal functions in rats. Atorvastatin at all the tested dose levels not interfere with cellular anti-oxidant mechanisms.Conclusions: Atorvastatin at 20mg/kg exhibit significant toxicity on rat kidneys. Atorvastatin at the selected dose level does not interfere with any of the antioxidant mechanisms. It indicated that atorvastatin not cause oxidative stress induced renal damage and rhabdomyolysis may be the reason for renal damage induced by atorvastatin at the high dose level.KeywordsAtorvastatin, Nephrotoxicity, Oxidative stress
Cite this Research Publication : Rajitha Panonnummal and Varkey, J., “Statins induced nephrotoxicity: a dose dependent study in albino rats”, Interntional journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 401-406, 2014