Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Springer
Source : Advances in Intelligent Computing and Systems (AISC) series, Springer, Volume 325, p.71–78 (2015)
ISBN : 9788132221340
Keywords : Complex optimization problems, Particle swarm optimization algorithm, PSO algorithm, Real-world optimization problems
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Verified : Yes
Year : 2015
Abstract : State variable filter design using particle swarm optimization algorithm proves to be better when compared to the conventional design method. It gives several solutions to the component values which are useful in designing the state variable filter. The automatic termination technique gives the best possible solution in lesser time. This technique has several advantages in terms of a quicker convergence rate and efficient computation toward the suitable output, where an added advantage gives the user a control over the output’s precision. The performance parameter here can be defined as the trade-off between the convergence time and accuracy of the resulting solution, which is determined by the precision value. The results also indicate that the solution with a predefined precision level can be obtained with the minimum number of iterations in minimum time. © Springer India 2015.
Cite this Research Publication : A. Indoria, Varrun, V., Reddy, M. Krishna, Sathyasai, T., Anand, B., and Dr. Nirmala Devi M., “State Variable Filter Design Using Improvised Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm”, Advances in Intelligent Computing and Systems (AISC) series, vol. 325, pp. 71–78, 2015.