Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier
Source : Journal of the Franklin Institute
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2021
Abstract : This paper addresses the stabilization issue of linear time delay system with input saturation and distinct input delays via predictor feedback boundary control algorithm by employing transport partial differential equations (PDEs). First, the addressed ordinary differential equation (ODE) system with input delay is equivalently represented as a cascade of an ODE and transport PDEs. Second, by employing the backstepping Volterra integral transformation technique, the equivalent cascade system is transformed into a stable target system, whose kernels are solved by the constraints satisfying transport PDEs. Third, based on the boundary conditions of the obtained invertible transformation, the proposed feedback control law can be formulated. Fourth, by applying semigroup operator theory, the well-posedness of the resulting system is proved and consequently, novel exponential stability conditions of the addressed system are established. Then, the domain of attraction region under the given actuator saturation constraints is estimated with the help of the solution of obtained stability conditions. Finally, a demonstrative simulation example is offered to verify the feasibility and usefulness of the results.
Cite this Research Publication : P. Selvaraj, O.M. Kwon, S.H. Lee, and R. Sakthivel, Stabilization of time delay systems with saturations via PDE predictor boundary control design, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 358 (17), 8943-8968, Nov. 2021. (IF: 4.1) ISSN: 0016-0032