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Spirituality and productivity – A relationship perspective

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Purusharta, School of Management Sciences,

Source : Purusharta, School of Management Sciences, Volume 10, Number 1, p.60-69 (2017)

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Business

Department : Business

Year : 2017

Abstract : Spirituality and its practices are the real gems of value additions in the human life, they helps in building a strong foundation and getting a greater clarity. Spirituality is not a limited concept but expansive like a vast blue ocean. Spirituality, being currently becoming an attracting trend when considered with organizations, many of the organizations prefer in deploying spiritual functions and practices aiming for a good level of perspicacity and growth in their future forecasts and operations for the enablement of delivering a good level of productivity. This study aims at examining the connectivity existence or non-existence between some organizational productivity factors that directly or indirectly contributes to productivity levels and the factors of spiritual intelligence. For the study a controlled experiment was conducted, the 4 factors of spiritual intelligence such as Critical Existential Thinking, Personal Meaning Production, Transcendental awareness, Conscious State of Expansion was considered and measured by taking an organization after that 4 factors that contributes directly or indirectly to productivity function such as Ability to address day to day Variations, Adherence in task accomplishment at extreme workload scenarios with equanimity, Consistency level in Benchmark achievement or meeting the provided/ defined target levels, ability in performance beyond the expected level in logical Operations were consulted and measured. After this a pairing was made with a deep look of these factors and each pair consisted of different predictors and a response variables, 4 regression models were developed in Minitab with these in order to check whether there was any connectivity/relationship existence between any one of the factors between the grouped four pairs each (i.e. to check at least 1 predictor - response relationship existence was there or not in all 4 regression models developed). The result signalled the existence of relationship between at least 3 factors to at most 5 factors in all the model, marking a green signal of relationship existences. © 2017, School of Management Sciences. All rights reserved.

Cite this Research Publication : Soni Vivek and Amrith V., “Spirituality and Productivity - A Relationship Perspective”, Purusharta, vol. 10, pp. 60-69, 2017.

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