Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : 2014 Power and Energy Systems Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy, PESTSE 2014
Source : 2014 Power and Energy Systems Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy, PESTSE 2014, IEEE Computer Society, Bangalore (2014)
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Keywords : Active filters, Bidirectional converter (BDC), Charging (batteries), Controllers, Electric vehicle charging, energy conservation, Harmonic elimination, MATLAB, Plug-in vehicles, Power converters, Reactive power, Reactive power compensation, Shunt active filters, Solar energy, Transient conditions, Vehicle to grids
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Center : Amrita Innovation & Research
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Verified : Yes
Year : 2014
Abstract : This paper describes the use of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SmartParks) as Shunt Active Filters (SAF) to provide Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) services to the grid such as reactive power compensation and harmonic elimination. The bidirectional converters used in these parks are used to charge the batteries during off-peak hours, support the grid by providing compensation when demanded and also supply the stored renewable energy to the grid if the parks use solar energy for charging. The complete simulation of the hysteresis current controlled voltage source converter (VSC) acting as SmartPark is presented using modified ICosΦ controller. Simulations are performed in MATLAB for inductive and non-linear loads under steady state as well as transient conditions. Simulation results demonstrate the viability of this simple and efficient controller to be used as SAF. © 2014 IEEE.
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V. Raveendran and Dr. Manjula G. Nair, “SmartPark as Shunt Active Filter using modified ICosφ controller”, in 2014 Power and Energy Systems Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy, PESTSE 2014, Bangalore, 2014