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Smart water level monitoring and management system using IoT

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : IEEE

Source : International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES)

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Computing

Year : 2021

Abstract : One of the arduous difficulties faced by most of the households is the overflow of water. This paper proposes a unique visual way to monitor and manage the flow of water. Though water forms an essential element of life, when it comes to managing water judiciously, it has been generally observed that people show a tendency to switch ON the motor when their taps go dry and switch off the motor when the overhead tank starts to overflow. This results in unnecessary wastage and sometimes insufficiency of water at times of crisis. Hence, the primary objective of the proposed model is to monitor the water present in the tank and sump visually when the water exceeds or recedes the threshold set by the user, the respective LED glows indicating the need to turn on or turn off the motor. The entire code is integrated with an Arduino IDE and the real-time flow is being visualized graphically through Adafruit. Therefore, using this application, one need not go on top of a building to check the water level or deal with problems of water being overflown or cope with a scenario of any air blockage in the pipe due to lack of water in the sump. Our water monitoring system comes to the rescue. This research utilizes an [1] ultrasonic sensor, which is connected to an ESP module to determine the water level. Once the water level goes below a set threshold value, a red LED will glow indicating the same. Also, if the tank is about to be filled a green LED will glow advising the user to turn off the motor to [2] prevent the overflow of water that would have occurred otherwise. The visual representation of the [3] real-time volume of water present in the reservoir can be seen on the screen.

Cite this Research Publication : Praveen, Anagha, R. Radhika, D. Sidharth, Sreehari Ambat, and T. Anjali. "Smart water level monitoring and management system using IoT." In 2021 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), pp. 482-487. IEEE, 2021.

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