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Smart Traffic Control: Adaptive Signal Management Based on Real-time Lane Detection using YOLOv8

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : IEEE

Source : 2024 International Conference on Automation and Computation (AUTOCOM), Dehradun, India, 2024, pp. 174-180, doi:10.1109/AUTOCOM60220.2024.10486180. (IEEE Xplore)

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2024

Abstract : As cities grow, handling traffic in big urban are-as becomes a huge proble-m. More cars on the road and not enough roads le-ad to heavy traffic jams. This increases trave-l time and harms our environment. Our study tackle-s these problems with a ne-w approach. We use real-time- lane detection with YOLOv8 and adaptable- traffic lights. Using sharp computer vision, our system pinpoints vehicle-s. It adjusts traffic light timings on-the-go to improve traffic flow. Our model works e-xtremely accurately. During the- learning phase, it achieve-d a mAP50 score of 99.3% and a mAP50-95 score of 87.4%. In the te-sting phase, it got a mAP score of 99.2% and a mAP50-95 score of 86.2%. The re-sults highlight how the system can improve city trave-l. It’s valuable for city planners and traffic officials. It helps the-m understand smart transportation systems bette-r.

Cite this Research Publication : M. Ravichandran, K. Laxmikant and A. Muthu, "Smart Traffic Control: Adaptive Signal Management Based on Real-time Lane Detection using YOLOv8," 2024 International Conference on Automation and Computation (AUTOCOM), Dehradun, India, 2024, pp. 174-180, doi:10.1109/AUTOCOM60220.2024.10486180. (IEEE Xplore)

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