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Simultaneous Bucket Handle Tear Of Both Menisci With Acl Injury

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Kerala Journal of Orthopaedics

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2015

Abstract : Meniscal tears can be degenerative or traumatic. It may cause pain and functional impairment. Bucket handle tear of two menisci of either knee is rare and that of both menisci of the same knee is still rarer. This case report presents a 33 year old man with bucket handle tear of both menisci of the right knee which occurred simultaneously due to a trauma. The lesions were treated with arthroscopic repair of medial meniscus and partial menisectomy of lateral meniscus. To our knowledge, this case report of traumatic bucket handle tear of both menisci with ACL injury of the same knee is the first such case reported in India

Cite this Research Publication : Melvin J George, Jai Thilak. Simultaneous bucket handle tear of both menisci with ACL injury. Kerala Journal of Orthopaedics 2015;27(2):127–130

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