Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Int J Paediatr. Otorhinolaryngol.
Source : Int J Paediatr. Otorhinolaryngol.2004 Jan;68(1):15-20.
Url :,manipulation%20inside%20the%20small%20larynx.
Campus : Faridabad
Year : 2004
Abstract : Objective: To simplify the procedure of suture lateralization of a vocal cord in children with bilateral abductor cord palsy and to evaluate its results.
Methods: Ten tracheostomised infants and children with bilateral abductor cord palsy where there was either minimal or no recovery of vocal cord movement even after 2 years' observation were taken up for suture lateralization of one vocal cord. In this simplified procedure needles were passed twice through the larynx from one side of neck to the other. The aim was to reduce the microlaryngoscopic or telescopic manipulation inside the small larynx. Two techniques (1 and 2) were used to carry out this procedure. In technique 1 the needle used was one with a slit in the eye situated at its tail end whereas in technique 2 it was a lumbar puncture needle. Patient follow-up ranged from 6 months to 5 years.
Results: Intraoperative manipulation inside the larynx was considerably reduced. The technique 2 was even simpler and faster than technique 1. With both techniques the placement of suture was accurate without any knot inside the larynx. All the patients could be decanulated with only minimal stridor on exertion in two and an acceptable voice in all.
Conclusions: Suture lateralization of one vocal cord using technique 2 can be tried as the first line of management in cases of bilateral abductor cord palsy requiring lateralization.
Cite this Research Publication : Mathur NN, Kumar S, Bothra R. Simple method of vocal cord lateralization in bilateral abductor cord paralysis in paediatric patients. Int J Paediatr. Otorhinolaryngol.2004 Jan;68(1):15-20