Selective Formation of nButanol from Ethanol
Publication Type : Presentation
Publisher : The Center for Enabling New Technologies Through Catalysis (CENTC) Annual Meeting (Poster). University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States.
Source : The Center for Enabling New Technologies Through Catalysis (CENTC) Annual Meeting (Poster). University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 2016.
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Arts and Sciences
Department : Chemistry
Year : 2016
Abstract : A highly selective (>99%) tandem catalytic system for the conversion of ethanol (up to 37%) to n-butanol, through the Guerbet process, has been developed using a bifunctional iridium catalyst coupled with bulky nickel or copper hydroxides. These sterically crowded nickel and copper hydroxides catalyze the key aldol coupling reaction of acetaldehyde to exclusively yield the C4 coupling product, crotonaldehyde. Iridium-mediated dehydrogenation of ethanol to acetaldehyde has led to the development of an ethanol-to-butanol process operated at a lower temperature.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Naveen V. Kulkarni, “Selective Formation of nButanol from Ethanol”, The Center for Enabling New Technologies Through Catalysis (CENTC) Annual Meeting (Poster). University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 2016.