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Security situational aware intelligent road traffic monitoring using UAVs

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : International Conference on VLSI Systems, Architectures, Technology and Applications (VLSI-SATA)

Source : 2016 International Conference on VLSI Systems, Architectures, Technology and Applications (VLSI-SATA), IEEE, Bengaluru, India (2016)

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Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Center : Cyber Security

Department : Computer Science, cyber Security, Electronics and Communication

Verified : Yes

Year : 2016

Abstract : Roadway networks span large distances and can be difficult to monitor for managing road traffic. Most efforts to collect usage data from roadways either require a large fixed infrastructure or are labour intensive. Numerous number of road traffic monitoring techniques exists today. Technological advances in electronics and communication have recently enabled an alternative, such as use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). UAVs are very flexible and fast compared to the normal road traffic monitoring techniques. In addition, security situations can also impact the road traffic management. This paper presents a security situational aware intelligent traffic monitoring using UAV. Such security situational aware road traffic management can also support research and development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). In this paper, various real time traffic as well as security issues are analysed and mitigations are presented as re-routing of the traffic. The decision commands for re-routing or shortest traffic paths are given by the UAV and these informations are sent to the traffic management control centre. The model was validated using ARM microcontroller simulation using Keil μvision and Proteus tools.

Cite this Research Publication : R. Reshma, Ramesh, T., and P. Sathish Kumar, “Security situational aware intelligent road traffic monitoring using UAVs”, in 2016 International Conference on VLSI Systems, Architectures, Technology and Applications (VLSI-SATA), Bengaluru, India, 2016.

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