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Secured data aggregation in wireless sensor network

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Campus : Mysuru

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2015

Abstract : Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network consists of number of nodes with limited sensing computation and communication capabilities. In this type of network we are providing security as well as energy-consuming operation is maintained. Hence to increase the lifetimeof the network it becomes necessary to reduce the number of bits that is been transmitted. One of the widely used methods for reducing the datatransmission is data aggregation (clustering). The security issues such asdata integrity and confidentiality in data aggregationbecome crucial when the WSN is deployed in remote sensing areas. Secure data aggregation in WLN is a method toachieve energy-consumption of battery of a sensor device and data security using homomorphic algorithm. In this paper we propose a protocol called SEEDA (Secured End to End Data Aggregation)-SUM/AVG for secure data aggregationwhich provides end-to-end data security.The protocol SEEDA-SUM/AVG is used to compute the SUM andAVERAGE at aggregator node © Research India Publications

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