Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : IEEE International Conference on Industrial engineering and Engineering Management
Source : IEEE International Conference on Industrial engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong. (2012)
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Business
Department : Business
Year : 2012
Abstract : This study addresses the scheduling of a diffusion furnace, a Batch Processing Machine (BPM) with dynamic job-arrivals, and incompatible job-families with the objective of minimizing total weighted tardiness (TWT). Due to the computational intractability, a few variants, based on the EDD, CR, ST, and different versions of ATC dispatching rules, of a greedy heuristic method (GHM) are proposed. A series of computational experiments carried-out indicated that one of the variant of the ATC rule has excellent performance in comparison with an estimated optimal solution
Cite this Research Publication : Vimala Rani M and Mathirajan, M., “Scheduling a BPM with Incompatible Job-Families and Dynamic Job-Arrivals”, in IEEE International Conference on Industrial engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong., 2012.