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Scalable Framework for Cyber Threat Situational Awareness Based on Domain Name Systems Data Analysis

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Big Data in Engineering Applications, Springer Singapore, Singapore, p.113–142 .

Source : Big Data in Engineering Applications, Springer Singapore, Singapore, p.113–142 (2018)

Url :

ISBN : 9789811084768

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center : Computational Engineering and Networking

Department : CISAI, Electronics and Communication

Year : 2018

Abstract : There are myriad of security solutions that have been developed to tackle the Cyber Security attacks and malicious activities in digital world. They are firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, anti-virus systems, honeypots etc. Despite employing these detection measures and protection mechanisms, the number of successful attacks and the level of sophistication of these attacks keep increasing day-by-day. Also, with the advent of Internet-of-Things, the number of devices connected to Internet has risen dramatically. The inability to detect attacks on these devices are due to (1) the lack of computational power for detecting attacks, (2) the lack of interfaces that could potentially indicate a compromise on this devices and (3) the lack of the ability to interact with the system to execute diagnostic tools. This warrants newer approaches such as Tier-1 Internet Service Provider level view of attack patterns to provide situational awareness of Cyber Security threats. We investigate and explore the event data generated by the Internet protocol Domain Name Systems (DNS) for the purpose of Cyber threat situational awareness. Traditional methods such as Static and Binary analysis of Malware are sometimes inadequate to address the proliferation of Malware due to the time taken to obtain and process the individual binaries in order to generate signatures. By the time the Anti-Malware signature is available, there is a chance that a significant amount of damage might have happened. The traditional Anti-Malware systems may not identify malicious activities. However, it may be detected faster through DNS protocol by analyzing the generated event data in a timely manner. As DNS was not designed with security in mind (or suffers from vulnerabilities), we explore how the vast amount of event data generated by these systems can be leveraged to create Cyber threat situational awareness. The main contributions of the book chapter are two-fold: (1). A scalable framework that can perform web scale analysis in near real-time that provide situational awareness. (2). Detect early warning signals before large scale attacks or malware propagation occurs. We employ deep learning approach to classify and correlate malicious events that are perceived from the protocol usage. To our knowledge this is the first time, a framework that can analyze and correlate the DNS usage information at continent scale or multiple Tier-1 Internet Service Provider scale has been studied and analyzed in real-time to provide situational awareness. Merely using a commodity hardware server, the developed framework is capable of analyzing more than 2 Million events per second and it could detect the malicious activities within them in near real-time. The developed framework can be scaled out to analyze even larger volumes of network event data by adding additional computing resources. The scalability and real-time detection of malicious activities from early warning signals makes the developed framework stand out from any system of similar kind

Cite this Research Publication : R. Vinayakumar, Poornachandran, P., and Dr. Soman K. P., “Scalable Framework for Cyber Threat Situational Awareness Based on Domain Name Systems Data Analysis”, in Big Data in Engineering Applications, S. Sekhar Roy, Samui, P., Deo, R., and Ntalampiras, S., Eds. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018, pp. 113–142.

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