Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Physical Review
Source : Physical Review D, 108(12), 123001
Url :,values%20at%20lower%20central%20densities.
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Sciences
Year : 2023
Abstract : We study the effect of temperature on the global properties of static and slowly rotating self-gravitating Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) stars within general relativity. We employ a recently developed temperature dependent BEC equation of state (EoS) to describe the stellar matter by assuming that the condensate can be described by a non-relativistic EoS. Stellar profiles are obtained using general relativistic Hartle-Thorne slow rotation approximation equations. We find that with increasing temperatures mass-radius values are found to be decreasing for the static and rotating cases; though presence of temperature supports high mass values at lower central densities. Countering effects of rotation and temperature on the BEC stellar structure have been analysed and quantified. We report that inclusion of temperature has significant effect on the rotating stellar profiles but negligible effect on the maximum mass, as in the case of static system. We have also studied the effect of EoS parameters -- boson mass and strength of the self-interaction -- on global properties of static and rotating BEC stars, in presence of temperature.
Cite this Research Publication : Aswathi, P. S., Keerthi, P. S., Jyothilakshmi, O. P., Naik, L. J., &Sreekanth, V. (2023). Rotating Bose-Einstein condensate stars at finite temperature. Physical Review D, 108(12), 123001