Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : 2019 Third International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC)
Source : 2019 Third International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), 2019
Url :
Keywords : voice-controlled robot, Pocket Sphinx, voice recognition, ROS
Campus : Amritapuri
Center : Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs
Year : 2019
Abstract : Voice-based smart home applications have taken a rapid growth in the past few years. Voice recognition is the ability of the system to receive, interpret, analyze and carry out the spoken commands. This paper proposes a ROS based voice - controlled robot, which runs using a differential drive mechanism and takes the voice commands from the user and moves a wheeled robot accordingly. The system is based on a statistical model such as the Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The HMM approach to speech enhancement relies on the Viterbi Algorithm.
Cite this Research Publication : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam;RacharlaShriyaReddy;YannamJahnavi;ManaswiniMotheram, "ROS Based Control of Robot Using Voice Recognition", 2019 Third International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), 2019