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Role of Polyethylene Glycol as a Catalyst and a Filler in Epoxy Systems

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Springer

Source : Top Catal 67

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Year : 2024

Abstract : Polyethylene Glycol (PEG-1000) was considered as an effective thermoplastic filler for epoxy systems. Current study tries to portray both the reinforcing and catalytic efficiency of PEG-1000 in the Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A based epoxy (DGEBA) and Diethyl toluenediamine (DETDA) based system. The effectiveness of the combination of PEG/DGEBA/DETDA this trio system in the epoxy toughening were also elucidated systematically. PEG-1000 enhanced tensile strength and fracture toughness of epoxy by 8.7% and 213%, respectively. The thermo-mechanical characteristics of the PEG/epoxy systems were thoroughly investigated with the help of theoretical models.

Cite this Research Publication : Jayan, J.S., Saritha Appukuttan., Deeraj, B. et al. Role of Polyethylene Glycol as a Catalyst and a Filler in Epoxy Systems. Top Catal 67, 218–231 (2024).

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