Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Taylor & Francis
Source : Artificial Intelligence in Forecasting
Url :
Campus : Nagercoil
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2024
Abstract : Analysis and prediction of weather with the help of environmental conditions is known as weather forecasting. Weather forecasting models predict the weather conditions by the statistical analysis of weather data collected from different sources. These models collect quantitative weather data, that represents the present state of the atmosphere, land, and ocean. The collected weather data has been used to predict future atmospheric changes in the specified place with the help of meteorology concepts. Consistent weather forecasting is vital for farming, and food security; it is also an essential need of human society. Moreover, weather forecasting is strongly related to human life, including transportation safety, preventing wildfires, sea navigation, fishing, and aviation schedules. Several important events such as social events, sports, and military operations are also organized and rescheduled based on weather forecasting reports.
Cite this Research Publication : S.V. Mahesh Kumar, Sreya U Parvathi, Role of Artificial Intelligence in Weather Forecasting and Climate Behavioral Analysis, Artificial Intelligence in Forecasting Tools and Techniques, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2024.