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Robust non-fragile memory feedback control for multi-weighted complex dynamical networks with randomly occurring gain fluctuations

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Taylor \& Francis

Source : International Journal of Systems Science

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2021

Abstract : This paper deals with the robust observer-based synchronisation problem for a class of complex dynamic networks subject to multi-weights, time-varying coupling delay and external disturbance. Specifically, the gain fluctuation appears in the proposed controller and is represented in terms of a random variable obeying the Bernoulli distribution. The main objective of this paper is to design a non-fragile memory state feedback controller such that the resulting error system is stochastically synchronised under a prescribed performance level . First, a Luenberger-type state observer is constructed to estimate the state variables of the addressed system. Second, by constructing an appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional and using Wirtinger-based integral inequality techniques, the required set of sufficient conditions for the synchronisation of the proposed system is established in the form of linear matrix inequalities. In the end, two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the validity and feasibility of the developed theoretical results.

Cite this Research Publication : R. Sakthivel, R. Sakthivel, P. Selvaraj, F. Alzahrani, and S. Marshal Anthoni, Robust non-fragile memory feedback control for multi-weighted complex dynamical networks with randomly occurring gain fluctuations, International Journal of Systems Science, 52 (2), 2591-2616, Aug. 2021. (IF: 4.3) ISSN: 0020-7721

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