Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Discrete \& Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2022
Abstract : This paper investigates the resilient H ∞ event-triggered control problem for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy system with time-varying delay and external disturbance. Contrary to some existing results, the considered event-triggered conditions are verified only at each sampling instant because it is difficult to prove Zeno-freeness for a continuous event-triggered mechanism in the presence of external disturbance. Furthermore, by constructing an appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, sufficient conditions are derived in the form of linear matrix inequalities to ensure the asymptotic stability and the H ∞ performances of closed-loop systems. More precisely, the proposed control design not only improve robust performance but also save the communication resources. Finally, the obtained theoretical results are verified through numerical simulation, which demonstrate the efficiency and advantages of the proposed method.
Cite this Research Publication : R. Sakthivel, P. Selvaraj, Y.J. Kim, D.H. Lee, O.M. Kwon, and R. Sakthivel, Robust H∞ resilient event-triggered control design for T-S fuzzy systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S, 15 (11), 3297-3312, Nov. 2022. (IF: 1.8) ISSN NO. 1937-1632