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Right Ventricular Exclusion and Univentricular Palli ation for Failed One and a Half Ventricle Repair for Ebstein’s Anomaly

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Heart, Lung and Circulation

Source : Heart, Lung and Circulation 2013; 22:685–687. j.hlc.2012.11. 019. ,

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Paediatric Cardiology

Year : 2013

Abstract : A 20 year-old male was diagnosed to have Ebstein's anomaly with severe right ventricular dysfunction. He was taken up for 1.5 ventricle repair. Post procedure, there was difficulty in weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass due to progressive right ventricular dilatation compromising the systemic output. An atrial septectomy did not help. Progressive right ventricular dilatation compressing the left ventricle, demonstrated on transoesophageal echocardiogram, prompted us to perform a right ventricular exclusion and univentricular palliation. The patient was successfully weaned off cardiopulmonary bypass and had a smooth postoperative recovery. Judicious use of right ventricular exclusion and univentricular palliation could be an effective bailout strategy in difficult surgical scenarios in Ebstein's anomaly.

Cite this Research Publication : Navaneetha Sasikumar, Soman R. Krishna Manohar, Saji Philip, Kottoorathu Mammen Cherian, Raghavannair Suresh Kumar, "Right Ventricular Exclusion and Univentricular Palli ation for Failed One and a Half Ventricle Repair for Ebstein's Anomaly," Heart, Lung and Circulation, 2013; 22:685–687. j.hlc.2012.11. 019. (Brief Communication)

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