Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier
Source : Agricultural Systems
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Department : Department of Social Work
Year : 2024
Abstract :
CONTEXT : This research investigates the living sustainability of the Kattunayakan tribe in the Wayanad district of Kerala, India, focusing on the factors influencing their agricultural, forest, and livestock practices in the context of changing social conditions.
OBJECTIVE : The main objective of the study is to identify critical factors that affect the Kattunayakan community and improve the living sustainability by linking agriculture, forest, livestock, and social conditions.
METHODS : A total of 598 families were sampled in the 103 settlements spread across 14 panchayats and three municipalities in Wayanad district of Kerala. Population distribution and land use pattern were related, and cluster analysis was carried out to identify tribes having agricultural land and livestock. The analysis of 21 factors with significant correlations with Kattunayakan's living sustainability was carried out.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : The Kattunayakans' average annual agricultural income is extremely low, standing at US$472.54 and the average annual income from livestock is US$3.22. The increased wildlife conflicts have hindered Kattunayakans' ability to engage in agriculture and livestock-rearing activities. The factors considered included: agricultural infrastructure with eight factors, coefficients ranging from 0.523 to 0.969; forest and wildlife six factors 0.647–0.811; livestock four factors 0.527–0.696; and social conditions three factors with rotated values 0.499–0.856. The lack of land for agriculture, very low attainment in education, and wildlife conflict correlate highly with the community's lack of sustainability. Allocation of degraded land for the landless tribes as non-sellable land for the cultivation of crops, increasing the awareness among the tribe to cultivate crops which is not palatable for wild animals, providing training for the tribe on the value addition of forest produce, selling milk through cooperative societies, can improve income generation among the tribe, thereby improving their living sustainability.
SIGNIFICANCE : This study unveils the intricate dynamics influencing the living sustainability of Kattunayakan communities in Wayanad, Kerala. Findings of the study provide actionable insights to improve agricultural practices, mitigate conflicts, and promote sustainable development in the Wayanad district.
Cite this Research Publication : Ramakrishnan, Rajeev, S. Rajendrakumar, and Nikhil K. Kothurkar. "Regional sustainability of the Kattunayakan tribe in Kerala, India through the enhancement of agricultural, livestock, and livelihood options." Agricultural Systems 217 (2024): 103929.