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Region of Interest and Feature-based Analysis to Detect Breast Cancer from a Mammogram Image

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Springer

Source : International Conference On Innovative Computing And Communication, pp. 225-241. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2023

Abstract : This paper discusses the categorisation of breast cancer based on mammography images—MLO perspective. This research presents a method for finding malignant tumours in mammography images utilising the Gabor cut algorithm for region of interest from the morphologically upgraded image for cancer detection with better detection rate and accuracy. To eliminate spurious matching points, the features were examined using the enhanced feature extraction technique. The improved ORB method with RANSAC implementation is utilised in this work to extract the necessary features by masking the background data. The methods offered provide characteristics with exact information about cancerous tissues. This automated extraction has a 98.006% accuracy

Cite this Research Publication : Saranyaraj, D., R. Vaisshale, and R. NandhaKishore. "Region of Interest and Feature-based Analysis to Detect Breast Cancer from a Mammogram Image." In International Conference On Innovative Computing And Communication, pp. 225-241. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023

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