Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Springer Singapore
Source : In Advances in Synthetic Biology; Singh, V., Ed.; Springer Singapore: Singapore, 2020; pp 199–220.
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Biotechnology
Department : Chemistry
Year : 2020
Abstract : Thelast decade has seen a surge in genome assembly and sequencing technologies. From the good old DNA sequencing and electrophoresis reads enunciated by Sanger, Maxam, and Gilbert, several tools were embodied through the use of these methods and yet, the challenges these methods imposed have had a paradigm shift. In this focused review, we provide a gist of the tools used by the genome assemblers and discuss the challenges and implications of the next generation sequencing chemistries shaped up by the development of tools
Cite this Research Publication : Agarwal, T.; Suravajhala, R.; Bhushan, M.; Goswami, P.; Iddamalgoda, L.; Malik, B.; Valadi, J.; Suravajhala, P. Recent Advances in Gene and Genome Assembly: Challenges and Implications. In Advances in Synthetic Biology; Singh, V., Ed.; Springer Singapore: Singapore, 2020; pp 199–220.