Publication Type : Conference Paper
Thematic Areas : Amrita Center for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks
Publisher : ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Source : ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Kerala, p.165-171 (2012)
Url :
ISBN : 9781450318228
Keywords : Cloud environments, Cloud securities, Database software, Dynamic infrastructure, Internet, Query optimization, Query processing, Resource utilizations, Security of data, Software stacks, Trust models
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering, Centre for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks
Center : Cyber Security
Department : cyber Security
Year : 2012
Abstract : Nowadays public clouds offer a scalability that is often beyond what a user would be able to afford otherwise. Cloud bursting allows businesses leverage the cloud without losing the comfort and control of in-house data centre operations. Looking at cost, security and resource utilization angles we need a dynamic infrastructure to decide about the hybrid mix ie, private and public clouds. In this paper, we propose a general paradigm where software stacks need to be rearchitected to dynamically be able to run either in public or private clouds. The queries get executed in private or public clouds based on cost, security and resource utilization models chosen by the clients. Copyright 2012 ACM.
Cite this Research Publication : K. Kandasamy and Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, “Re-architecture of database software stack with planner module for query optimization in a cloud environment”, in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Kerala, 2012, pp. 165-171