Publication Type : Presentation
Source : 2012.
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : Department of Management, School of Business
Department : Department of Management
Year : 2012
Abstract : This paper takes on an older debate that the agriculture transformation in
the regional economy of Kerala has been mainly driven by ‘peasant
rationality’. It argues that the agrarian transformation driven by peasant
rationality, in turn, has created a dichotomous agrarian society in the state
with a genre of rich farmers who have significantly benefited by the ‘rational’
switch over to commercial agriculture while another segment of subsistence
farmers who got marginalised by the agriculture development process in the
state. The paper argues that the agriculture development process driven by
‘peasant rationality’ has several ramifications in so far as the sustainable
future of Kerala’s agriculture economy is concerned from multiple
perspectives. To substantiate this, the paper critically examines the agricultural
development experience of the state over the past six decades and tries to
bring out the impasse affecting the agriculture sector in the emerging context
of growing market uncertainties and other challenges confronting the agroecosystems and natural environments
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Viswanathan P. K., “Rationalisation of Agriculture in Kerala and its Implications on Natural Environment, Agro-Ecosystems and Livelihoods”. 2012.