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Quadrature operator and wavefunctions of f-deformed harmonic oscillators

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : arXiv preprint arXiv

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Year : 2021

Abstract : Recently, f-oscillators in its various forms have been recognised as extremely important tools in many branches of physics. This paper is dedicated to find the wavefunctions for the most general f-deformed oscillators. In the process, the homodyne quadrature operator and its eigenfunctions for the f-deformed case is obtained. Then the wavefunctions for deformed oscillators are obtained for different types of deformations and for each deformation the wavefunctions are obtained for different values of deformation. We have compared the deformed oscillator wavefunctions with the non-deformed oscillator.

Cite this Research Publication : S Anupama, A Pradeep, A Pal, C Sudheesha, "Quadrature operator and wavefunctions of f-deformed harmonic oscillators", arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.01480

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