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PVC Supported Liquid Membrane and Carbon Paste Potentiometric Sensors Incorporating a Mn (III)Porphyrin for the Direct Determination of Undissociated Paracetamol

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Electroanalysis

Source : Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Electroanalysis, 20(18), pp.2009-2015

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Year : 2008

Abstract : PVC supported liquid membrane and carbon paste potentiometric sensors incorporating an Mn(III)-porphyrin complex as a neutral host molecule were developed for the determination of paracetamol. The measurements were carried out in solution at pH5.5. Under such conditions paracetamol exists as a neutral molecule. The mechanism of molecular recognition between the Mn(III)-porphyrin and paracetamol, leading to potentiometric signal generation, is discussed.

Cite this Research Publication : Saraswathyamma, B., Pajk, M., Radecki, J., Maes, W., Dehaen, W., Girish Kumar, K. and Radecka, H., 2008. PVC Supported Liquid Membrane and Carbon Paste Potentiometric Sensors Incorporating a Mn (III)Porphyrin for the Direct Determination of Undissociated Paracetamol. Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Electroanalysis, 20(18), pp.2009-2015

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