Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : IEEE
Source : 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS)
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
Center : TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security
Department : TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
Year : 2019
Abstract : There are so many modern cryptographic protocols are available which can be used for authenticating wirelessly connected devices. Usually the keys are stored inside the memory of the integrated device which will prompt adversaries to extract secret keys from integrated device. We can persist these attacks by using Physically unclonable functions (PUFs). PUF protocol are designed in such a way that it needs to be light-weight and is resistance against physical attacks. In this paper, we are utilizing the secret sharing method with PUF for an efficient and secure method to authenticate the devices. This new approach is lightweight and suitable for energy constrained platforms such as IOT, smart cards. The proposed protocol does not follow the classic PUF protocol challenge and response pairs, instead of that here a set of shares generated using (2, n) ideal visual secret sharing method are used for authentication.
Cite this Research Publication : Naveen, Devarapalli, Praveen, K., PUF Authentication using Visual Secret Sharing Scheme, ICACCS 2019, IEEE Xplore.