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Properties of hesitant fuzzy sets

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2016

Abstract :

Fuzzy Sets are particularly designed to handle uncertainty and vagueness in mathematical way. It was the first successful mathematical tool that can handle imprecise knowledge. The basic idea of fuzzy set is that it allows graded membership of elements instead of bi-valued or triple-valued logic. If the fuzzy set having a set of possible membership values then the set is called Hesitant Fuzzy Set. It gives the optimal solution for decision making problem and also it is a very effective technique where there are some difficulties in determining the membership values. This paper briefly describes the properties and applications of Hesitant Fuzzy sets.

Cite this Research Publication : K.Anitha, P.Venkatesan(2016), Properties of Hesitant Fuzzy Sets, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.12(1),ISSN:0973-1768

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