Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : IACSIT Press
Source : Lecture Notes on Software Engineering Volume 2 Issue 3 Pages 247-250, 2014
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2014
Abstract : The FFT, Fast Fourier Transform is the most ubiquitous algorithm used for signal analysis in present-day communication systems (Example: OFDM). The general principle of FFT Algorithms is to use a Divide and Conquer approach that effectively reduces operation count. The FFT is generally computed either using a single radix or by mixed radix algorithms. Several optimization techniques have been proposed to increase efficiency while computing the Fourier Transform. This paper develops a reconfigurable FFT processor that can take any number of points as input, and is not limited to sequence lengths that are powers of the radix. The paper compares the factorized mixed radix approach with the single radix approach for computation of the FFT of a truly N-point sequence and shows that the mixed-radix approach yields better performance results. The test designs were developed in VHDL, verified in Matlab and Modelsim, and implemented using Xilinx Virtex5 LX110T FPGA.
Cite this Research Publication : Ramesh Bhakthavatchalu, Meera Viswanath, PM Venugopal, R Anju, "Programmable N-point FFT design", Lecture Notes on Software Engineering Volume 2 Issue 3 Pages 247-250, 2014