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Procedural Restoration of Texture and Restructuring Geometry from Façade Image

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Digital Object Identifier

Source : Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2784798

Url :

Keywords : 3D reconstruction, feature extraction, image processing, image texture analysis.

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2017

Abstract : We present a novel methodology to procedurally restore facade texture from images, where severe occlusions and lighting variations occur, making the textures difficult to reconstruct effectively. A refinement strategy is designed, which includes an iterative weighted-average algorithm, to restore and update the high-quality consensus texture of the targeted building. Our approach combines component-based structure analysis and rule-based texture recovery techniques that are suitable for removing the occluded areas from a given building facade. We demonstrate our framework on several real-world buildings with varying amounts of occlusion, and show that our approach can be used to generate 3-D buildings with far more aesthetic quality than the previous approaches.

Cite this Research Publication : Divya Udayan J, HyungSeok Kim ,2017, “Procedural Restoration of Texture and Restructuring Geometry from Façade Image”, IEEE Access, Volume 6, pp. 2645-2653. (SCI(E)/IF:4.098)

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