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Primary Plasma Cell Leukemia Occuring in the Young

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Bioline

Keywords : Primary plasma cell leukemia, Multiple myeloma, Plasma cell dyscrasia

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Medical Oncology

Year : 2003

Abstract : Plasma Cell Leukemia (PCL) is a rare form of plasma cell dyscrasia. Plasma cell leukemia has two variants: the primary form presents de novo in patients with no previous history of multiple myeloma (MM); the secondary form consists of a leukemic transformation in a previously recognized MM. In contrast to myeloma, PCL has an aggressive course. Median age at presentation is usually above 50 years. Here we report a case of primary PCL presenting at age of 21 years, which is extremely rare. She was treated with combination chemotherapy (VAD). Although she had a good response initially, later the disease progressed and she died 6 months after the diagnosis.

Cite this Research Publication : Raj RS, Najeeb S, Aruna R, Pavithran K, Thomas M. Plasma cell leukemia in the Young. Indian Journal of Cancer 2003; 40(3):116-7.

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