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Preparation and characterisation of nickel oxide and nickel oxide codoped with magnesium and zinc

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

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Campus : Amritapuri, Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering, School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry, Sciences

Year : 2021

Abstract : The present work focuses on the formulation and characterisation of undoped NiO and NiO codoped with Mg and Zn. The samples were characterized by x-ray diffractometer and ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer. For the detection of elements present in the samples, energy dispersive x-ray analysis was employed. Two sets of codoped samples were prepared varying the amount of Mg and Zn. A set of codoped samples was prepared keeping the quantity of Mg at a fixed value and allowed the quantity of Zn to fluctuate. The second set of codoped samples was prepared keeping the extent of Zn at a fixed value and allowed the quantity of Mg to fluctuate. The bandwidth of undoped and codoped materials was computed raising Tauc plot. Crystallite size was computed following Scherrer formula.

Cite this Research Publication : Erin Ann Sunny , Nahan Nazar , M Bhagyalakshmi , S Sooryanarayanan, A Chithra Mohan , Jomol Mariyam Thomas , Varsha Nair , G Sivasubramanian , K M Sreekanth , K M Sreedhar, Preparation and characterisation of nickel oxide and nickel oxide codoped with magnesium and zinc,2021.

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