Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : IEEE
Source : Proceedings - 5th IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, RTEICT 2020, 2020, pp. 315–319, 9315726
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2020
Abstract : With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, businesses and organizations have acclimated to unconventional and different working ways and patterns, like working from home, working with limited employees at office premises. With the new normal here to stay for the recent future, employees have also adapted to different working environments and customs, which has also resulted in psychological stress and lethargy for many, as they adapt to the new normal and adjust their personal and professional lives. In this work, data visualization techniques and machine learning algorithms have been used to predict employees stress levels. Based on data, we can develop a model that will assist to predict if an employee is likely to be under stress or not. Here, the XGB classifier is used for the prediction process and the results are presented showing that the method facilitates getting a more reliable model performance. After performing interpretation utilizing XGB classifier it is determined that working hours, workload, age, and, role ambiguity have a significant and negative influence on employee performance. The additional factors do not hold much significance when associated to the above discussed. Therefore, It is concluded that concluded that increasing working hours, role ambiguity, the workload would diminish employee representation in all perspectives.
Cite this Research Publication : Garlapati, A., Krishna, D.R., Garlapati, K., Narayanan, G., Predicting Employees under Stress for Pre-emptive Remediation using Machine learning Algorithm,Proceedings - 5th IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, RTEICT 2020, 2020, pp. 315–319, 9315726