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Poverty in India: An Institutional Explanation

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : the 18th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies (SASNET), Lund, SWEDEN

Source : the 18th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies (SASNET), Lund, SWEDEN (2004)

Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Business

Department : Department of Economics

Verified : No

Year : 2004

Abstract : pThe two-fold role of the Indian State as a development catalyst and as an interventionist has long been debated on the count of ease in policy formulation. Institutions in various forms have been constantly shaping the policy from the outside State ambit. On this backdrop the present paper addresses to the analysis of the role of the State as reflected from the nexus between the State policies, interest groups and institutions to reach the consequent steps towards alleviation of poverty. It is pointed out that the role of state in India has changed substantially during the last five decades in perceiving poverty and this is largely due to the institutional interface. The results show positive success during seventies till mid eighties and stagnation thereafter. The paper incorporates discussion on the differential policy impact in a federal context, on different provinces of the Indian federation and the differential changes in poverty across groups, specifically the rural population and the weaker sections of the society. The paper highlights the role of institutions in the poverty alleviation strategy./p

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi, Deshpande, R. S., and Hatti, N., “Poverty in India: An Institutional Explanation”, the 18th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies (SASNET), Lund, SWEDEN, 2004.

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