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Polymeric antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral coatings

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Elseviar

Source : Advances in Nanotechnology for Marine Antifouling Micro and Nano Technology

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Year : 2023

Abstract : Polymer coatings with bioactive properties are rapidly emerging as an important field of science and technology. Advances in materials science have brought forth high-performance multifunctional bioactive coatings as a global mitigation strategy against microorganisms that create a threat to humans. The application of antimicrobial coatings results in a safer, cleaner environment that can stop the spread of germs. Antimicrobial technologies minimize the presence of bacteria, mold, and fungi. Antimicrobial substances offer a greater level of product protection by continuously inhibiting the growth of microbes on surfaces for long periods. Polymer coatings with excellent antimicrobial properties are used in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, biomedical, and textile industries. This chapter reveals the synthesis, applications, and challenges associated with antifungal and antimicrobial polymer coatings.

Cite this Research Publication : Ramya Rajan, Jayadev Devakumar, Aiswarya Ambili Suresh, Saran Sasi Kumar, Nandakumar Gopakumar, Dr. Saritha Appukuttan, Polymeric Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Antiviral Coatings, Advances in Nanotechnology for Marine Antifouling, Micro and Nano Technologies, 2023, Pages 303-327

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