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Pneumatic Vibration Isolator Response for Low, Infrasonic and High Frequency Vibration

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : 1st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Industry, 2021

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Sciences

Department : Physics

Verified : No

Year : 2021

Abstract : This workaims at developing an analysis system for a pneumatic vibration isolation table both in very low, infrasonic and high frequency range. The system is developed using a generic purpose audio card of PC. The commonly available audio cards are not comprised with the software which can be used to record two accelerometer inputs at a time and it is not useful in the seismic vibration frequency range. Hence, we developed a software for the data acquisition through these audio cards, which is compatible for the simultaneous recording of two accelerometer outputs and for working in the seismic and infrasonic frequency ranges. Using this newly developed system various transmissibility curves are plotted for low, infrasonic and high frequency vibration isolation and made some inferences about effect of variation of payload masses.

Cite this Research Publication : Kirthika S., Gayathri J.S., Sreenivasan Nair S.K., Abdul Rasheed A.K., Nissar C.S. Pneumatic Vibration Isolator Response for Low, Infrasonic and High Frequency Vibration, 2021.. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0, ETI 4.0 2021 10.1109/ETI4.051663.2021.9619261 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0, ETI 4.0 2021 19 May 2021 through 21 May 2021

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